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Train an Associate

To Add VT to your Practice

For only $10k

Includes the following Online, Self-Paced Courses from Emergent:


Also Includes guidance from renowned consultant and turnkey systems:

  • 6 monthly phone calls with Dr. Winters 

  • Access to the Practice Management Drive that includes templates, forms, scripts, and much more

  • $750 of vision therapy equipment


With just 1-2 hours week, in 6 months your associate will be guided to gain the knowledge, confidence, and systems to successfully add vision therapy to your practice, or your money back*  

To see if our practice management consulting is right for you, schedule a free consult with Dr. Winters.

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Consulting Team



Consulting Team

Tyler Ives

Tyler is a serial entrepreneur and launched his first successful venture while pursuing a degree in International Business at the University of Washington. Passionate about business creation, he joined Shoobx in 2014 to help other entrepreneurs successfully launch and grow their individual companies. Through this work he has provided business consulting to several Fortune-500 companies.  He has also been a guest lecturer at the Harvard Business School.  Yet, his passion still lies in helping small businesses succeed and grow. 

Tyler Ives Vision Therapy Activities Emergent VT opthalmogy supplies Optometrist supplies Optometrist equipment Optical Supplies Optical Supply Companies Vision Therapy Training Vision Therapy Consulting VT Activities
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Benjamin Winters, OD, FCOVD

Dr. Winters is board-certified in vision development and vision therapy.  He started Washington Vision Therapy Center in Yakima, Washington which grew to having over 150 concurrent patients in vision therapy.  This growth continued as he helped start 2 more vision therapy clinics in Washington State.  His advocacy for children that struggle with life-altering developmental vision problems has included over 100 lectures in colleges, professional groups, parent groups, and schools. He is one of the founders of the Foundation for Vision Therapy Awareness, a non-profit that raises awareness for individuals struggling with vision problems that can be treated through vision therapy.

James Smith, COVT

James Smith, COVT has been a vision therapist for many years and became certified through the College of Optometrists in Vision Development (COVD) in 2015. His doctors have often commented on his instinctiveness in patient care and how he is able to connect with patients.  Through Emergent, James has worked with over 150 vision therapists through the Emergent Online Vision Therapy Course. He is currently the chairman of the COVT committee in the COVD.  His experience and knowledge in vision therapy have led doctors inviting him to come to their clinic and help train their vision therapists. James is a natural teacher and loves helping vision therapists meet their potential.

James Smith COVT Vision Therapy Activities Emergent VT opthalmogy supplies Optometrist supplies Optometrist equipment Optical Supplies Optical Supply Companies Vision Therapy Training Vision Therapy Consulting VT Activities
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